Friday, August 27, 2010

Live The Questions Now

When life gives you opportunities, what do you do? TAKE IT! duh! Which sounds like an obvious answer, correct? Well...No, because most people question every: sign, feeling, & thought, down to every little detail.  If we think about it, life is easier than we make it be.... We make it harder when we like to sit there and wonder too much... wonder what road to take... Maybe, we wonder because most changes comes with a little sacrifice that's attached with a little fear, and insecurities for the unknown destiny... So we have to BEG ourselves to have patience with everything that is unresolved in our life and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. To take chances without doubts (without making that long PROS and CON list). Refrain ourselves from demanding the answers right away, which can't be given to us now, because we would not be able to live nor understand it all the way. But the mystery is the best part of it all....To live everything, and to live the questions now..... Because perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. The right answer.... which was always the right choice, the obvious one meant for you, without actually killing ourselves for answers, as if your life is a big strategic puzzle, that you have to have it complete before taking a big step. Sometimes what takes us far in life, is the heart, and not the reasons..

So let your heart wander...... and your mind follow.........
What you love, will never lead you wrong 

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