Thursday, August 5, 2010

Excuses for Happiness

It's easy to come up with excuses to delay our happiness. All the time I hear things like, "As soon as I get out of this problem, I'll be happy." Or "As soon as I lose ten pounds... Or as soon as my business grows…as soon as my child straightens up…" As soon as this... and as soon as that... But "as soon as" never happens as soon as we want, so we sit around being miserable until that small part of our life... allowing it to control and take over on how we feel about everything else.... I know this because I AM one of those people who sits there and puts my happiness on hold until this one little problem in my life is out the way, cleared or fixed... Well, call me Miss Cleo, but as soon as one problem leaves,,, another one will enter... It's the secret cycle of life. We  always find something else to complain about, even if you DO lose those 10 pounds you were so desperately in need of to losing in order to be happy this summer, you will find an ugly blemish on your face (that probably has been there your whole life, but you just needed something else to complain about..) so we for forfeit chances of actually being happy, to deal with more self-imposed issues... I guess the problem is that we worry too much, think too much, and demand too much from ourselves..

  Give yourself a break, you deserve it, there are probably millions of other people out there who would die to look like you, or to have your fair skin, curly hair, or good health.. whatever the case might be.  And if you don't believe me, get out of your little shell, or bubble you live in, travel the world so you can realize HOW SMALL YOUR PROBLEMS ARE COMPARED TO HOW BIG THE WORLD IS... So put your foot down and make a decision to be happy right now, there will always be something to keep you from being happy. Let's get rid of the excuses and make the decision to enjoy life right now, TODAY.

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