Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's MY Birthday!

Today is AUG, 15, 2010 and it is special to me and my wonderful father because it is OUR BIRTH DATE... Yes; exactly 24 years ago, a glorious baby was born... ME

and I am lucky to share this special day with my best friend, my fan, my motiovational speaker, my everything.... My FATHER. I am the product of his love and success!

Happy birthday to us!

It's a celebration B!tches...... :)

Since sharing is caring and this is MY blog, MY day, and I can have it MY way. I dedicate today's entry to me...... And only me, by sharing all my special birthday messages I have received today, making this day extra special to me!

My Daughter.
It's your birthday, but we got the gift...
a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter
who is always a pleasure to be with.
You glow with sensitivity and compassion
generated from the depths
of your warm heart and and kind soul.
a peacemaker,
a woman full of the joy of life,
that's you.
Anyone who spends time with you
is privileged to know
such an extraordinary person.
You are a great joy in our lives.
We love you and cherish you and treasure you
and wish that every one of your birthdays
will be the happiest yet.

Happy Birthday to the most understanding, beautiful, warm, giving, loving, wise, patient, hilarious, witty, gorgeous, helpful, guiding, positive, and all around incredible bestie - YOU! This is one of many bday emails you will receive but as the clock strikes midnight in America, I wanted to sayyyy:

H a p p y
B i r t h d a y!!!

I love you! -LLB
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Happyyyyy Birthdayyy

This new year/age is going to be your best yet. You have the world at your feet: you're young, gorgeous, charismatic and smart...all anyone ever wishes for. Don't let the things that made you cry yesterday hold you back from happiness TODAY. I hope all of your wishes come true..every last one of them. I'm thankful for this day because it's the day you were born and without you, I'd be depressed, confused, lost, ill-advised, and misunderstood. Thank you for your patience and guidance ..and helping me thru the hardest times in my life. You understand me yet love me anyways and I adore you for that.

Enjoy your special day!
Love always - bug
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Feliz aniversario para minha adoravel Filha
 Este dia sempre sera especial em minha vida, pois ele representa muito, foi o dia que voce nasceu e trouxe para minha vida um significado totalmente diferente. Agradeco a DEUS por voce existir e ter me dado a oportunidade de ser seu pai. E' um grande orgulho para mim. 
                                                                                                                OBRIGADO POR VOCE SER MINHA FILHA.
 TE AMO........

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