Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Need Sleep!

Thats me in the cartoon squares above
Me in the morning, me at night
Me at any time of the day that I have to get up

Since I moved in with my boyfriend
things have been amazing
but I had too much spare time on my hands
 which could easily
been invested in a job that I like
So I got one job.....
 then I got another. . . . .
and another one. . . . .
then I got EXHAUSTED

3 jobs..... you might ask, "Are you insane?"
Why yes three, and No, I am not!"
I have no idea how it happened
I recently quit one [[my least favorite one]]
where I hated the staff
[[bunch of unprofessional human beings]]
that job actually made me miserable,
but the money was good.
[[Like every popular sports bar is]]
And the other two jobs, is priceless
I became very much involved managing and being the owners right hand gal
 I heart the staff, we have fun, I could never quit on them
[[Although the money isn't close to being as good]]
not even if my body aches, and asks me to

I wake up everyday at 6:30am.
Im out of the house no later than 7am
Be at work at 8:00am bcuz im the key holder
leave at 2pm
Go to my second job at 5pm
stay there til 10pm

But get this. .. .  .. I live about 1 mile away from BOTH my jobs
You would think thats a good thing right? Right? NO!
Well let me explain, living "walking distance from work"
means you HAVE TO WALK....
taking the bus 4 blocks away makes me lazy
and people tend to stare!
(I mean, I hop on the bus, and 3-5 minutes later I am ringing the yellow bell to stop)
and walking would be fine for me (Lord, knows I need the exercise),

Washington DC is way too COLD FREEZING
I cant even walk to my mailbox [[if I had one ]]
NO, I dont want to get up in the freezing morning
knowing  I have to walk in the middle of winter, or wait around a corner street for 15 minutes for a bus
with wind blowing in my face, to go down 4 blocks


Times like these makes me really wish i could stay at home
ans cuddle with my boyfriend some more,
ans just SKIP the cold, and Skip work

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