Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Believe in the RUN!

It is true,
running is one of, if not
 the best exercise a person can do
and it is free!
You don't have to get on a machine,
or go to a gym,
you can do it anywhere,
in the rain, snow or sunshine

Running is good for your health,
You don't have to run a whole marathon,
you don't have to do any sprints,
you just have to RUN!

For beginners,
set small goals,
run small distances,
and soon enough
your body will thank you,

Turn running into a routine,
it might be hard at first,
but if you stick to it,
it will soon be effortless.

Think about the number of people
that are paralyzed,
or don't have any legs,
Think about how fortunate you are,
and how much they would give
to have health legs
to be able to

If you can't run for your own health,
then run for that child, who is in the hospital
and can never run!

Running is rewarding

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