Saturday, April 23, 2011


Whether you are religious or not
Easter is always a sacred time for everyone

It is a time for worship
a time for celebration
a time for family
 and of course, a time for chocolates.
 Lots of it.

Easter Egss are a huge part of the Easter tradition in Brazil
If you are a young child, then you search for your hidden eggs.
If you are older, then you just receive eggs from everyone.

Supermarkets walls and ceiling are filled
with eggs hanging from it
by their wrappers.
And as many as it might seem
they fly off the walls and ceilings like
hot cakes...
Sold very quickly,
since most people that buys them
buys multiple eggs at a time.

My favorite one is the white chocolate
by Lacta.
It was delicious,
and it is filled with other chocolate goodies on the inside
so it is double the deliciousness

and thank to my mother
she says I have one waiting for me at her home
in Florida,
for when I go stay with her
while my boyfriend is in transition
with his career and
team  placement.

Fatty fatty me, likes it

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