Friday, September 17, 2010

My Everything

"I found the piece of ME that was missing; which is YOU. Now our puzzle is complete, we are a "WE"


I'm so happy, and thankful for everything in my life, from the littlest of thing making any time of day a good time to celebrate! Life is so worth living, and it's even better when you find that other person that compliments who you are and completes you from inside out.

It might not seem like I have much, but I honestly feel like I HAVE EVERYTHING, it might all be intangible, but I do, my everything comes from feelings and fulfillment that can't be seem through the naked eye, but anyone looking at me can hear it through my voice, see in it in eyes, and feel it in my smile. 

I am exactly where I want to be, there is nowhere else in the world or anyone else in the world that I rather be, then where I am today, and who I am today.

I am so happy, I feel more than lucky, I feel blessed.
I am with someone who is worth giving my all and more, I gain my sense of happiness through him by just sharing a day, a daily task or even chore with him. I dont even know what it feels like to be without him anymore
He is  worth everything to me, this is the exact type of love that I been longing for, I couldnt have asked God for a better best friend/boyfriend/lover, I feel really stupid to have once doubted God's plan for me in the past. I was weak for losing my faith in Him because of the pain and struggles I had to live through.

I thought my pain was unbearable, unexplainable and incurable, I thought my pain and hurt would've left scars, scars that would always remind my "fall". But I was wrong, and now looking back on it I have no recollections of the pain, just the experience. and THAT experience was nothing BUT IRREPLACEABLE. It was exactly meant for me to go through, I choose the less traveled road for a reason, to face it, fight it, and overcome it, even in the worst ways.
Its true that hard times is what builds character because it created this more serious and loving woman that I am, who doesnt take anything for granted, not even friends... and the pain i went thru DOESNT EVEN HURT anymore, nor do I have scars from it. I am so happy that I cant remember what pain feels like, as if I never went through it.... does that even make sense?

 well, I have so many things to be thankful for, to appreciate, and one man to praise... GOD. I just dont know how to express it yet, I am ashamed to have forfeit my faith at a time I needed the most.  But now, my story becomes more than an personal life experience, it becomes a testimony, where I must admit I was wrong to ever doubt God's Plan for me, he knew best, not me, and the life he blessed with me after my successful fight in finding myself within myself..... is better than any life I could have wished for, prayed for, or imaged to have.  And through his faith in God, he found me, and we found ourselves.

This whole time, It was ME who was settling for less and a wrongful lived life filled with misery, not God; God never intended that for me, that is WHY IT felt so undeserving, and that is why I had so much struggles, but I survived, even through the worst of the worst moments. 

IM SO BLESSED, all i can do is GIVE, GIVE n GIVE whether its through love, favors, advices, help etc to repay back the countless blessing I have... I honestly HAVE EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW.. I'm complete :) Thanks to you babe, I found the purpose of life;
 ily jfv 

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