Thursday, August 5, 2010

iPhone4: This Changes Everything, Again


The name that is on every body's tongue (or hand in this case).... is  STEVE JOBS! and he has done it again. With the latest version of the iPhone... Introducing to you, the iPhone 4.... Faster, clearer and better than ever before..... (I still have the 3G, so you know I have to be just dying to grab a hold of one of these... especially  since I am a HUGE iPhone lover, and could possibly obtain a breakthrough career as a IPhone spokesperson, from all the amazing things i say and cool demonstrations to people I do on this phone)

The Mastermind genius A.K.A Steve Jobs claims that it will revolutionize the smartphone world in the same way the iPhone did when it was released three years ago. Offering over 100 new features, he will cover just 8 to whet our appetites. It is a beauty to behold, and we can't deny that statement considering Apple's recent track record, with the iPhone 4 sporting glass on the front and back, alongside steel around the sides which makes it hark back to the good old days of an ancient Leica camera. For those who are interested only in the price, you can choose from 16GB and 32GB capacities which will retail for $199 and $299, respectively - obviously with a 2-year contract, where it will come in white or black colors. and it even has the face-to-face technology... AHHHH sweet misery! I NEED ONE. SOON!

For more info visit:

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