Thursday, November 4, 2010

Never Forget Your Friends

My grandma sent this chain e-mail to me, and although I am not a fan of chain e-mail, this one stood out to me, because FRIENDS, are people I truly respect admire and keep around me. and this email explains a little more on the importance of a friendship.... here it goes...

A newlywed man was sitting on a couch in a hot humid day, drinking iced tea during a visit to his father's house. As they talked about life, marriage, responsibilities, obligations and duties of adulthood, the father clinked the ice cubes in your glass when it launched a clear, sober glance to his son, and said:

Never forget your friends! -" they will be more important as you get older. Regardless of how much you love your family, the children you may have, you always need friends. Remember to occasionally go places with them, have fun in their company; phone them once in a while ... "

"-What a strange random advice" - thought the young man. "I just enter the world of marriage. I am an adult. Certainly my wife and my family will be all I need to give meaning to my life!"

However, he followed the advice of his father. Kept in touch with your friends and always looking to make new friends. As far as the years passed, he realized that his father was right. To the extent that time and nature work their changes and their mysteries upon the man, his friends have always been strongholds in your life. After more than 50 years, this is what the youth learned:

Time passes.
Life happens.
The distance separating ...
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love turns into affection.
People do not do what they should do.
The heart stops without warning.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.

But true friends are there, no matter how long or how many miles away. A friend is the scope of a necessity, for cheering for you up, intervening on your behalf, and waiting for you with open arms and blessing your life !

 When we began this adventure called LIFE, do not know of the incredible joys and sorrows that we experience at the front, and we have no good idea of how much we need each other ... But as we reached the end of life, we know very well how each was important to us!

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