Friday, January 28, 2011
Every day, In love.
I admit,
I have what every woman wants
A handsome, caring, loyal, trustworthy
gorgeous, funny, smart, tall, athletic man
full of values and a great family to back him up
it sure was worth the wait, and the searching
and it might sound a little too Cliche to say this
but "Soul mates, the right one, Mr. Right"
really does exist!
And being in the complete state of happiness does not occur
until you are with
Just when I thought I couldn't love him any more
I wake up on a new day, and love him a lot
more than yesterday.
and a little less than tomorrow
and a little less than tomorrow
I love him
every day of the week.
on every month
in all the years
<3 JFV
Thursday, January 27, 2011
F Mother Nature
Last night was the worst snow storm I have witness
I have lived in cold places before,
like Eastern Michigan.
I have faced cold winter days in
Berlin, Germany.
But nothing compares to the heavy snow storm here in
Washington DC last night.
I was not here last year, when they broke records of
inches of snow.
But I am sure damn impressed at how bad it was last night
It started at 5pm.
It took people aproximatly 5 hours to drive 4 miles.
The traffic was bizzare.
that you would think that walking would be faster.
My friends and I
had tickets to the basketball game
which is downtown and nowhere near walking distance
from Georgetown Univ.
so we decided to do what every student was doing
and that is taking the GU shuttle across Key Bridge to Rosslyn Metro Station.
After waiting in line (yes there was a line for the shuttle)
in the snow storm for a seat space in the shuttle
we realize that 40 minutes goes by and inside the shuttle was starting to feel
like a human sauna but with NO oxygen!
We were only 1 block from where we departed the shuttle. (whaat?)
So a few students and I thought it would be wiser
and maybe faster to just walk the mile long to the metro statation
is Arlington VA
Well BAD MOVE on our part.
and we made it half way across the Key Bridge
and in pain, screaming, and laughing at each other
while umbrellas broke, and flew away,
Mother Natured seemed to be playing a joke on us
it just got worst and worst.
we decided to turn around.
Go home and watch it on TV.
That was the time I decided to invest on some
Which i always thought rain boots were useless.
Last night, I could not feel my feet, my socks were soaking wet
inside of my boots.
my feet was numb,
and the distance between CAMPUS and the METRO station
at that time was about the same.
We did not know wether to keep going, or turn around
but we knew
we couldnt make it far
or go through a game uncomfortable and cold.
you almost killed me last night
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Be My Penguin
His my Monkey..
and I am his Penguin.
Those are the nicknames we gave each other
and I am happy to know me and Penguins have so much in common.
Good Choice on nicknaming me babe :)
The Future
Life isn't what it used to be
nobody [[[as in the fortunate and privileged ones]]]
wants to do work hard for anything anymore
everyone wants to make things happen
through a click of a mouse
or through a touch on their smart phone.
making this world nothing but
technology enhanced
and far from Original.
I guess its a "New Era"
The things that makes life easier,
sometimes doesn't make it healthier or better
[[[shaking my head]]]
All I Need is One
At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world.
Some are running scared
Some are coming home
Some tell lies to make it through the day
Others are just now facing the truth
Some are evil at war with good
and some are good struggling with evil
Six billion people in the world
Six billion souls
and all I need is one.
<3 JFV <3
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Dream of Life
My mommy sent me this, and it really is inspiring words. She is the best!
Dream of Life
Dream what you want to be,
because you have only one life to live
and one chance at life to do what you want.
Have enough happiness in your heart to make life sweet.
Difficulties will make you stronger.
Sorrow will make you human.
And have enough hope to make you sucessful.
The happiest people do not have the best stuff.
They just make the most of opportunities
that comes along their way.
Happiness lies for those who mourn.
For those who get hurt
Dream of Life
Dream what you want to be,
because you have only one life to live
and one chance at life to do what you want.
Have enough happiness in your heart to make life sweet.
Difficulties will make you stronger.
Sorrow will make you human.
And have enough hope to make you sucessful.
The happiest people do not have the best stuff.
They just make the most of opportunities
that comes along their way.
Happiness lies for those who mourn.
For those who get hurt
For those who seek and always try.
And for those who recognize the importance of people who passed through their lives .
And for those who recognize the importance of people who passed through their lives .
A Vida é curta
Quebre regras,
Perdoe rapidamente,
Beije demoradamente,
Beije demoradamente,
Ame verdadeiramente,
'Pratique intensamente',
'Pratique intensamente',
Ria incontrolavelmente e
nunca deixe de Sorrir,
nunca deixe de Sorrir,
por mais estranho que seja o motivo."
Deixe a Raiva Secar
My grandma e-mailed me this short but very wise and helpful story... it is about anger, and how we need to let our anger cool off before reacting. Anyways for those that cannot read Portuguese, I will make sure to translate this little story to you as soon as I get the chance :)but for those who CAN read Portuguese, Enjoy!
Mariana ficou toda feliz porque ganhou de presente um joguinho de chá, todo azulzinho, com bolinhas amarelas.
No dia seguinte, Júlia sua amiguinha, veio bem cedo convidá-la para brincar.
Mariana não podia, pois iria sair com sua mãe naquela manhã.
Júlia então, pediu a coleguinha que lhe emprestasse o seu conjuntinho de chá para que ela pudesse brincar sozinha na garagem do prédio.
Mariana não queria emprestar, mas, com a insistência da amiga, resolveu ceder, fazendo questão de demonstrar todo o seu ciúme por aquele brinquedo tão especial.
Ao regressar do passeio, Mariana ficou chocada ao ver o seu conjuntinho de chá jogado no chão.
Faltavam algumas xícaras e a bandejinha estava toda quebrada.
Chorando e muito nervosa, Mariana desabafou:
"Está vendo, mamãe, o que a Júlia fez comigo?
Emprestei o meu brinquedo, ela estragou tudo e ainda deixou jogado no chão.
Totalmente descontrolada, Mariana queria, porque queria, ir ao apartamento de Júlia pedir explicações.
Mas a mãe, com muito carinho ponderou:
"Filhinha, lembra daquele dia quando você saiu com seu vestido novo todo branquinho e um carro, passando, jogou lama em sua roupa?
Ao chegar em casa você queria lavar imediatamente aquela sujeira, mas a vovó não deixou.
Você lembra o que a vovó falou?
Ela falou que era para deixar o barro secar primeiro. Depois ficava mais fácil limpar.
Pois é, minha filha, com a raiva é a mesma coisa.
Deixa a raiva secar primeiro..
Depois fica bem mais fácil resolver tudo.
Mariana não entendeu muito bem, mas resolveu seguir o conselho da mãe e foi para a sala ver televisão.
Logo depois alguém tocou a campainha..
Era Júlia, toda sem graça, com um embrulho na mão.
Sem que houvesse tempo para qualquer pergunta, ela foi falando:
"Mariana, sabe aquele menino mau da outra rua que fica correndo atrás da gente?
Ele veio querendo brincar comigo e eu não deixei.
Aí ele ficou bravo e estragou o brinquedo que você havia me emprestado.
Quando eu contei para a mamãe ela ficou preocupada e foi correndo comprar outro brinquedo igualzinho para você.
Espero que você não fique com raiva de mim.
Não foi minha culpa."
"Não tem problema, disse Mariana, minha raiva já secou."
E dando um forte abraço em sua amiga, tomou-a pela mão e levou-a para o quarto para contar a história do vestido novo que havia sujado de barro.
Nunca tome qualquer atitude com raiva.
A raiva nos cega e impede que vejamos as coisas como elas realmente são.
Assim você evitará cometer injustiças e ganhará o respeito dos demais pela sua posição ponderada e correta.
Diante de uma situação difícil. Lembre-se sempre: Deixe a raiva secar.
No dia seguinte, Júlia sua amiguinha, veio bem cedo convidá-la para brincar.
Mariana não podia, pois iria sair com sua mãe naquela manhã.
Júlia então, pediu a coleguinha que lhe emprestasse o seu conjuntinho de chá para que ela pudesse brincar sozinha na garagem do prédio.
Mariana não queria emprestar, mas, com a insistência da amiga, resolveu ceder, fazendo questão de demonstrar todo o seu ciúme por aquele brinquedo tão especial.
Ao regressar do passeio, Mariana ficou chocada ao ver o seu conjuntinho de chá jogado no chão.
Faltavam algumas xícaras e a bandejinha estava toda quebrada.
Chorando e muito nervosa, Mariana desabafou:
"Está vendo, mamãe, o que a Júlia fez comigo?
Emprestei o meu brinquedo, ela estragou tudo e ainda deixou jogado no chão.
Totalmente descontrolada, Mariana queria, porque queria, ir ao apartamento de Júlia pedir explicações.
Mas a mãe, com muito carinho ponderou:
"Filhinha, lembra daquele dia quando você saiu com seu vestido novo todo branquinho e um carro, passando, jogou lama em sua roupa?
Ao chegar em casa você queria lavar imediatamente aquela sujeira, mas a vovó não deixou.
Você lembra o que a vovó falou?
Ela falou que era para deixar o barro secar primeiro. Depois ficava mais fácil limpar.
Pois é, minha filha, com a raiva é a mesma coisa.
Deixa a raiva secar primeiro..
Depois fica bem mais fácil resolver tudo.
Mariana não entendeu muito bem, mas resolveu seguir o conselho da mãe e foi para a sala ver televisão.
Logo depois alguém tocou a campainha..
Era Júlia, toda sem graça, com um embrulho na mão.
Sem que houvesse tempo para qualquer pergunta, ela foi falando:
"Mariana, sabe aquele menino mau da outra rua que fica correndo atrás da gente?
Ele veio querendo brincar comigo e eu não deixei.
Aí ele ficou bravo e estragou o brinquedo que você havia me emprestado.
Quando eu contei para a mamãe ela ficou preocupada e foi correndo comprar outro brinquedo igualzinho para você.
Espero que você não fique com raiva de mim.
Não foi minha culpa."
"Não tem problema, disse Mariana, minha raiva já secou."
E dando um forte abraço em sua amiga, tomou-a pela mão e levou-a para o quarto para contar a história do vestido novo que havia sujado de barro.
Nunca tome qualquer atitude com raiva.
A raiva nos cega e impede que vejamos as coisas como elas realmente são.
Assim você evitará cometer injustiças e ganhará o respeito dos demais pela sua posição ponderada e correta.
Diante de uma situação difícil. Lembre-se sempre: Deixe a raiva secar.
Dear Happiness,
I finally found you,
and now life is simply
and I am finally surrounded
by the right people.
So where will I be 5 years from now?
I will be HAPPY, anywhere!
So Fcking Happy
It true...
Im so happy, I really could shit rainbows
if that was even possible.
I have the best boyfriend
a wonderful family
and really awesome friends.
It is all a girl really needs
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
A few true friends
When it comes to friends,
Some people want QUANTITY
those people feel..
the need to have a "crew"
to be in the middle of a chaotic situation
to have constant reassurance that they are NOT alone
that they are liked,
popular and even wanted
Those people can't stay a day alone,
just hanging with just his/herself
they are constantly in contact with people
whether it is via facebook, blackberry messaging, ping, AIM, email
you name it, they are on it, and desperately in need of it
usually these people have low-self esteem
and has frequent attacks of jealousy
towards everyone and anyone
and that is where the need for many and different "friends" comes in play
but I and a lot of other people
look for the QUALITY in a friend
and I am okay being alone,
I rather have a few friends than a bunch of crappy ones
like Lauren Conrad says.
Grocery Shopping
I can't stop laughing
this is so TRUE!
I have been saying that for the past decade
to "always go grocery shopping on a full stomach"
it helps you save money
from buying every thing in sight
and everything from fat, high calorie, greasy, snacks
and random stuff that you would never buy
if you were on a full belly.
So word to the young is.
Jungle fever
I guess Jungle fever starts at an early age
but don't worry little girl
in 5 years that little boy will like you
in 10 years he will love you
and 15 years he will marry you.
Every year the percentage of interracial relationships are higher and higher
We are coloring this world "Beige"
Funny Cartoon
this funny cartoon is written in Portuguese
the first box says ...
and the second box says...
and thats so true.
It is the story of PHOTOSHOP!
it does wonders doesn't it?
Happiness is the best revenge of all
It is so very true,
HAPPINESS is the best revenge of all
Notice how many "friends" turn into "foe
after witnessing true happiness
and you cant help but to keep it moving
do your thing, and keep being happy
while others gringe at your smile
Eyelash Extensions
Message, facials, nails is just not enough anymore, now one of the hottest new trends are the "eyelash extensions." Eyelash extensions are the hot new rage. Semi-permanent eyelash extensions that give you longer, thicker and very natural looking eyelashes. They look so natural noone will know they are not yours!
As you probably already know, I work as a receptionist at a trendy upscale Salon and Spa in Georgetown and I just got offered to get my very own Eyelash Extention "free of charge" YESSSS! I am so excited. Next week I will tell you all about it. The service usually cost about 285$ and depending on the person it can last a very long time, with maintance of every two-three weeks. I cannot wait to see what my new lashes will look like.
According to Spa Week Daily "Eyelash Extensions" came on number 4 on their TOP 12 HOTTEST SPA TREATMENT TRENDS IN 2010.
As you probably already know, I work as a receptionist at a trendy upscale Salon and Spa in Georgetown and I just got offered to get my very own Eyelash Extention "free of charge" YESSSS! I am so excited. Next week I will tell you all about it. The service usually cost about 285$ and depending on the person it can last a very long time, with maintance of every two-three weeks. I cannot wait to see what my new lashes will look like.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
"Im in Miami Trick!"
"Drink all day
Play all night
Let's get it poppin
I'm in Miami bitch
Drink all day
Play all night
Let's get it poppin in Miami bitch"
Play all night
Let's get it poppin
I'm in Miami bitch
Drink all day
Play all night
Let's get it poppin in Miami bitch"
Well wait.... I dont know about "drink all day, play all night"
because if you know me, than you know
I am quite the early sleeper
[[11pm max]]]
and an early bird,
but what I do know is that I'll be in Miami Bitch!
and that weekend will be a fun-in-the-sun kinda weekend
[[[January 20-24th]]]
and maybe some margaritas and Miami-Vices on deck!
I am going to visit my family and friends in South Florida
[[[Boca Raton, FL- Miami Beach]]]
and although I am looking forward to the quality time
with my mom, and cousins and my long-time friends
I cant wait to get out of the cold snow,
and bury my feet in hot sand
while toasting my body in the hot sun
while toasting my body in the hot sun
along my favorite people
There is too much to do, and so little time
I know 3 days isn't enough,
but at least I am lucky enough to finally
take off from work
and have a little vacay
in the town I know best
with the people I care the most.
my real friends, and family
But we all know, with every good thing
comes a bad.
And the
comes a bad.
And the
thing in all this is....
being away from my
super athletic
and that totally sucks, because
this is my first trip away from him
and I know I will miss him every second of the day!
Thankfully, I carry his heart with me,
and I know I will miss him every second of the day!
Thankfully, I carry his heart with me,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow,Snow go Away
Georgetown University Healy Building |
"Snow Snow go away, come back another day"
It is slippery
It is wet
It is icey
It is cold
and it is a pain in my butt
to deal with all the snow
Washington DC got
last night!
(and the forecast says we will get more!)
Georgetown University is a slippery slope right now
and first day of classes were cancelled!
I gotta admit, living on campus isn't so bad
(the campus apartments though, NOT DORMS)
and it feels good to see the CAMPUS ALIVE again.
with all the students back from Winter Break.
Over the break, campus looked so "blah"
and empty.
and this snow storm was def not the way
to welcome students back.
but it gives everyone time to get settled.
plays PITT at home
@ Verizon Center 7p
one of their rivals.
And I am so excited to go
and cheer my boyfriend on.
They need this win!!!
He needs this win!!
I need this win!
The fans needs this win!
It is a perfect night to stay
indoors watching some good
basketball with friends!
and snow
please don't make it
nearly impossible to get to the Arena.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Puppy Love
Im really considering in buying a doggy
and this is the EXACT doggy I want
I am not sure what it's race is
but it is perfect and adorable
Obviously, I wouldn't have a dog
on campus.
Georgetown University would
not be a fan of that.
But when me and my boyfriend
move out, we might just add a doggy
to our small little family.
Although his more of a cat-kinda-guy
I am absolutely a dog-kinda-girl
so I win!
Doggy it is!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Black Swan
" In the psychological thriller Black Swan, Natalie Portman and Darren Aronofsky offer a beautifully disturbed film that is among the year’s best. "
I absolutely loved Black Swan. I’m just not sure I can accurately say that I enjoyed it..... When I first walked into Black Swan, I wasn’t sure what to think. When the movie was over and I walked out, I still wasn’t sure what to think....... Despite how that might sound, that is not a criticism, but rather high praise for director Darren Aronofsky and the gorgeous "ah-mazing" actress Natalie Portman..... who present a movie that is complex, compelling, and never ordinary. It is also one of the year’s best. Its a must see movie, even my boyfriend fell in love with this movie... I am sure he will be getting on dvd as soon as it comes out.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I carry your heart with me
I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(Anywhere I go, you go, my dear)
-e.e. cummings
Good guys always WIN
I was that hopeless romantic
the one stuck with my bad choices in men
the one who had lost hope
I thought a real loving matrimony no longer existed
I thought a real loving matrimony no longer existed
I was willing to settle "for what it is"
because I thought if I would start looking again, for the right one
it would've taken forever
I thought "fate" did not exist
it would've taken forever
I thought "fate" did not exist
I thought things didn't have a reason for why it happens
but it does
it happens right before your very own eyes
and sometimes overnight!
and looking back it, everything that happened
happened for a reason
it lead me here.
To him.
and now
I am happier than ever
Its better than I would have imagined for myself
I am happier than ever
Its better than I would have imagined for myself
There is no longer a ME without a HIM
He is the person who makes my world go around
and now, everything in life is worth it!
His my good guy that came to save me
and in this case, I WIN too!
Monday, January 3, 2011
The World is Gigantic
I love and miss traveling so much
thank you daddy for all the wonderful trips
Czech Republic
Czech Republic
United States
and experiences you have gave me
and experiences you have gave me
The world is a beautiful place
and I cant wait to see more of it
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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