Tuesday, April 12, 2011


"Humility is revealing the truth
about yourself.
Humiliation is somebody else
does it for you."

I chosen this quote for my entry today, because it has everything to do with what I went through this weekend. While vacationing in South Florida with my boyfriend, I organized a fulfilled weekend with two of my cousins who happen to be siblings and their loving boyfriends. 

What was suppose to have been an amazing family trip, turned sour when one of my cousin’s boyfriend happens to share total opposite values, and views as the rest of us, and has a insensitive type of personality, which is far from the personality the other 2 men share in the trip. To his defense I must say he happens to be the youngest one so maybe that can explain a lot about his loud, dirty mouth, rude personality.  And when he is nice he is nice, but it is not often enough because his nice personality hides behind that bad-boy front attitude he regularly displays.  My cousin on the other hand, if the most humble, tolerable person in the world, she is happy and full of life, and nothing gets to her.  She refers to her boyfriend’s outburst and comments as "jokes" while everyone else refers to something much different, such as INSULTS, if I can say the very least. 

I don't think everyone’s idea of a nice relaxing weekend consisted of a bad mouthing, arrogant, offensive words spree, which is far from what we had in mind as good company, I mean no one is obligated to listen to it, or to take it as a joke something that is far from being funny.  So when someone who has a very straight forward, outspoken personality, and is too old to tolerate, a too young to ignore it…..like myself. things are bound to get blown up when you are with this certain individual for more than 24hrs

And that is just what happens.  Mr. BAD MOUTH became very sensitive after hearing me say he should come with a disclaimer or a warning sign, since his personality is so offensive. He is a rated R person to the fullest, and I was not looking for that type of entertainment around the clock. I’m sorry if the truth about yourself becomes a form of HUMILIATION to you, you should’ve been humble enough to realize what is appropriate behavior and what is not, but then again maturity helps, and this kid is far from being mature.

There are a lot more to be said that was not said. Not only by me, but by everyone that has came in contact with him, not only this weekend, but in life period. He is an unlikeable person, hard to tolerate him. And then he wonders why he has no friends?!?!? And my beautiful, sweet cousin has to cover it up and deal with it every time someone judges her boyfriend, or dis attaches from her because of him.  It is hard to dislike someone who dates a such loving fun girl  but you try hard to give the person as any chances you can for the sake of their loved one but it can only go on for so long.  I don't know how she does it, it is a version of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag.  I guess opposite attracts…She sees something in him that NOBODY else sees. And that is why it is so special. We can call what she feels  for him "love",,,or we can call it young and naive since they been together since High School.  Who knows exactly! Let's just hope the verbal abuse from him stays at a minimum

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